Surgimed Bela Flor KN95 Protective Face Mask

Surgimed Bela Flor KN95 Protective Face Mask

When it comes to safeguarding your health, the Surgimed Bela Flor KN95 Protective Face Mask is your reliable partner. Engineered to provide maximum protection, this KN95 mask is a vital component of your medical equipment collection.

Crafted with precision, it conforms to the KN95 filtration standards, ensuring it effectively filters out at least 95% of airborne particles, including viruses, bacteria, and fine dust. The comfortable and secure fit makes it suitable for various settings, from medical environments to everyday use.

The mask features multiple layers, including a high-efficiency Surgimedstatic filter material, ensuring optimal breathability while still keeping you protected. Its ergonomic design and adjustable nose clip enhance comfort and ensure a snug, protective seal.

Surgimed Bela Flor KN95 Protective Face Mask offers peace of mind, whether you’re a healthcare professional on the front lines or an individual prioritizing safety in your daily life. Invest in the best protection for yourself and your loved ones with this top-tier KN95 mask. Your health is worth it.

SKU: EHC006 Category: